Recession Buster Resumes

Dear CareerPro Resume Clients!

I hope that you are all doing well, and are surviving these very trying times. Since purchasing CareerPro Resumes in 1991, I have had the honor of helping over 20,000 of you turn moments of transition into opportunities for professional and personal growth. Through three recessions over the past 29 years, many of you have had great success with our eye-catching brochure packages and persuasive, achievement-oriented content.

Thousands of you achieved better than 50% interview rates EVEN DURING RECESSIONS.

Many of you have leveraged those additional interviews to significantly increase your salaries, thus allowing you to continue to provide for yourselves and your families through the best of times AND worst of times!

Ironically, during these times when people need strong resumes the most, they often have the least amount of financial resources to spend on them. Therefore, I have decided to roll back our prices for all services to 1999 levels.

This 20-YEAR PRICE ROLLBACK will take effect immediately and will extend until May 15.

I have never sent a group email to my client list, yet difficult times call for decisive action. I want each of you to know that we will be able to work with your budget, either in-office or remotely.

Please note our change of address,  after 25 years in the old Sandy Springs Bank of America Building, we have now moved seven minutes down Hammond Drive to the Sterling Pointe Building near Perimeter Mall. So whether you’d prefer to meet in person, or remotely, we are here to serve you with our recession-busting repeat-client discounts.

Be well, stay healthy, and use this downtime to position yourself for even greater success as we come out of this recession stronger together! Please call me at (404) 252-8777 when you get this to schedule your free initial consultation.


Jody N. Gothard
President, CareerPro Resumes
303 Perimeter Center North, Suite 300
Dunwoody, GA 30346
(404) 252-8777

P.S. Get Your Referral Bonus. $100 to you for each new resume client referral.

CareerPro Resumes | (404) 252-8777 | Website Directions


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3 Important Components Every Cover Letter Should Have

There’s a myth going around that cover letters are a thing of the past. This is simply not true!

Cover letters are still the professional standard and the perfect opportunity to grab the readers attention and make them want to learn more about you.

Whatever you do, don’t make it too lengthy and focus on what’s most important. The most successful cover letters are the ones that include these 3 important components:

  1. A killer introduction: The first couple lines of your cover letter should entice the reader to keep reading and let a bit of your personality shine through. Don’t take it too overboard; you still want to come across as a professional. If you put all your time and energy into nailing the introduction it would be worth it. A killer introduction increases your odds of landing that interview.
  2. Relevant experience: Generic cover letters irk me; they offer nothing specific to the role and are a complete waste of time. I always recommend editing your cover letter to the specific position and speak directly to the experience they are looking for. You should connect the dots from your experience to their needs and package that in a way it stands out and is easy for the employer to recognize.
  3. Company reference: Do your homework! Spend extra time getting to know about the company; it’s history, mission and place in the community. Making reference to the company shows them upfront that you mean business and aren’t afraid to work at it. They want someone who will represent the company well and will be a champion for them; it starts with understanding who they are.

All too often job-seekers will spend so much time tweaking their resume that the cover letter becomes an afterthought, big mistake!

Remember, your cover letter is the first thing a prospective employer sees and you’ll want to be sure you are leaving behind a lasting impression.

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Why Social Media is Just as Important as Your Resume to Employers

Out with the old and in with the new! That’s the idea employers are adopting when it comes to using social media for recruiting.

According to studies, 60-70% of employers are using social media in their hiring processes and do believe it may play a critical role in finding quality candidates.

Many will debate the issue, touting it’s unfair to judge personal space but no matter which side of the fence your on you CAN count on social media influencing hiring decisions. Here’s why:

Better Candidate Pool for the Employer

Instead of thumbing through resumes or scrolling through job websites many employers are going straight to the source. They are using social media to recruit candidates they deem well-qualified and that have an online presence. It’s more cost effective than traditional methods, and especially with the likes of LinkedIn, offers a larger pool of candidates to choose from.

They Can Easily Get to the Core of Who You Are

Many people are unfiltered on social media and those that engage online show a personal side of themselves that employers wouldn’t normally see until well after being hired on. Here are a few things a prospective employer may find interesting:

  • Are your values in line with the company’s mission
  • How you spend your free time
  • What’s your personality type; do you have a positive attitude or inclined to rant and rave
  • Who do you have in your circle or network, who are you connected with
  • How do others engage and respond to you
  • Are you social media or tech savvy
  • Does your online presence back-up the things you say

They’re Looking or a Reason to Hire You

Due to the rise in unemployment over the last decade (this is slowly improving) many people, who are highly qualified, have entered the job market. Employers are looking at other attributes to make hiring decisions including attitude, personality and soft-skills.  In essence, they are looking at what differentiates you and why you’d be a good fit for the company.

Look at your social media pages from the perspective of the employer, would you want to work with that person? It may sound harsh but that’s the exact question employers are asking themselves.

If you’re unsure about using social media there is plenty of how-to’s and information online for getting started. Invest in the services of a professional if you would like assistance building a career-focused Linked-In profile (highly recommended for anyone looking for a career).

Tip: Google yourself, including images. You’ll want to make sure that the first thing that pops up is something an employer wouldn’t mind seeing. Delete old social media accounts but keep LinkedIn and Facebook active.

The post Why Social Media is Just as Important as Your Resume to Employers appeared first on CareerPro Resumes.




What You Should Know About the Atlanta Job Market

Named the Top Moving Destination by Penske seven years running, Atlanta continues to draw thousands of people each year. Because of this influx of people, many have questions about what the job market is like and wonder if it’s true what they hear.

Nerd Wallet recently named Atlanta the 6th best city for job seekers and Wallet Hub ranked them as the 25th of 150 largest populated cities for jobs.

Online you’ll find a wealth of conflicting information about Atlanta’s job market that’ll keep your head swimming.

Let’s clear up those misconceptions! Read on to get an insider look at the Atlanta, Georgia job market….

Technical, sales and education jobs are the best industries for employment in the Atlanta area; based on salary averages, availability and stress levels. Usually requiring an education background and work experience, these are the industries that consistently do well.

Although businesses are getting busier and jobs are opening up, it is still a competitive market. If you want to stand out you will need to bring your A game. Invest in a professional resume or portfolio that highlights not just your work history but the skills and attributes you bring to the table. Employers state that errors on resumes are a common reason why candidates are tossed aside.

Because prospective employers usually get many qualified people they are looking to other factors such as personality and attitude to make hiring decisions. Being computer literate, flexible and having a team player mentality will go a long way during the interview process.

The Atlanta metropolitan area is home to over 5 million people and employers aren’t hurting for applicants. Employers are seeking the best of candidates, you need to know what you have to offer and be confident you can deliver.

Having talked to many residents of Atlanta that have firsthand experience of the job search here; it’s a common assumption that you have to know someone to get hired. Although networking is always a good idea and a good recommendation from a friend or colleague can help; it’s not the only answer for getting a job offer.

If you’re willing to do the work, go the extra mile to stand out, present yourself professionally and are personable and approachable you have a wonderful chance at landing your dream job and being successful here in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Remote Working Especially Now With the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Work Health Organization (WHO) has officially announced the COVID-19 aka Coronavirus as a Pandemic.
Countries all over the world are taking extra steps to help those who are infected and to also curb the spread of the virus.

Some of the measures that have been taken by companies are to allow their employees to work from home. Working from home does not mean you have the day off! You still are expected to perform your daily work tasks.

This may be a new concept to some, so here are some useful tips.

  • Set up a designated work area – desk, chair, laptop, printer, pens, notepads etc. Make this area comfortable as this is now your ‘new office’ for as long as your company advises you to work remotely. Your ‘new office’ area doesn’t have to be super elaborate but do ensure that the area is quiet and distraction free.
  • Keep the routine just as you would when going in to your office. Get up on time and conduct your regular morning preparations before work begins. Yes, that also includes getting dressed in your office attire. You may be required to be on video calls, so you certainly do not want to be wearing your pajamas.
  • Incorporate your regular office breaks for lunch, coffee/tea and a standing intervals to help your blood circulation.
  • It may be tempting since you are at home, but Do Not turn on your television. Remember you are still working and just as your office does not have a television in the background, neither should your home office.
  • Also, working from home does not mean it’s a time to do household chores. You are on company time. During your lunch break you can do what you need to, within reason of course. During the rest of your work time, you need to be at your desk working.
  • You may be tempted to just relax and work from your bed, this is a big NO NO! You need to be alert and concentrate on your tasks at hand. Also, if you are on video calls, the bed is not where you want to be seen working.

Hope these tips can help those who find themselves working from home. Wipe down your laptop and work area with antibacterial wipes and most importantly wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. Take the precautions as advised by reputable sites such as the Center for Disease Control.

Stay safe everyone!

The post Remote Working Especially Now With the COVID-19 Pandemic appeared first on CareerPro Resumes.




Ten Ways to Crush Your Interview

interview resumeYou have sought the assistance of CareerPro Resumes to get that ideal resume for the jobs you are seeking. You have applied to different companies and received a response for an interview. The day, time and location for the interview have all been set. Now what? Well the answer is, you prepare for the interview!

Here are ten  tips to help you prepare for your interview:

  1. Thoroughly research the company you are applying to. Search online for as much information as you can find or if you know someone working at the company, seek their firsthand knowledge.
  2. Carefully read the job description. Ensure you understand what the role involves and what the company is seeking for a future employee.
  3. Anticipate the questions you may be asked (online research can help) and have answers prepared along with a concise example of when you have used this in the past. For example, if you are asked, “Have you used Microsoft tools in the past” Don’t just answer, “Yes” Instead, you should respond with something like the following, “Yes, I have used Microsoft Excel/ Word/ PowerPoint etc. in my last job to prepare summary reports or give presentations”
  4. Conduct mock interviews. Seek the assistance of your friends to conduct mock interviews. This will help you not only feel more comfortable on the day of the interview but will also give you an opportunity to see where you might need to make improvements.
  5. I personally like to practice speaking in front of a mirror. It gives you a perspective of what the person sitting opposite you sees. Have an upright proper posture, sit properly, nod your head in acknowledgement of when a question / statement is being made and remember to smile at appropriate times. Body language is very important.
  6. Prepare questions to ask at the end of the interview. Almost all interviewers will ask at the end if you have any questions to ask. Use this opportunity wisely and ask relevant questions. Remember this is the place where you will be spending at least 40 hours of your week!
  7. Do a test drive to where the interview will be taking place and find alternate routes. Find the parking areas and get an average of how long it took you to get there. This helps so that on the interview day you are not stuck in traffic and frantically looking for a place to park. Remember you Do Not want to be late for an interview!
  8. Take a few copies of your resume with you to offer to the interviewers. After all you should be proud of the resume you have worked with CareerPro Resumes to produce.
  9. Pick out your appropriate business attire. Make sure it’s clean, not wrinkled and fits.
  10. Get a good night’s sleep before the interview and remain calm and collected.

Hope these tips have been helpful and good luck for your interview!

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How to Prepare for an Online Interview

Today a lot of companies are scheduling online interviews with perspective employees as a first-round process before an in-person interview. This has become very efficient for both parties especially if the job location requires you to relocate.

Some companies may use an online interview as their sole method and not even have an in-person interview. Whatever the reasons are, you as a candidate must be fully prepared.

The following are some pointers that should help you enhance that all-important first impression:

Prior to the interview (1 or 2 days in advance would be ideal) test out your computer’s camera and microphone to ensure they are working optimally. Test call a friend to double check the video and voice quality. This will also give you a chance to feel comfortable speaking to someone online.

Dress in appropriate attire just as you would for an in-person interview. The camera will be on
and you want to make a great professional appearance.

Make sure you are seated in a quite area devoid of any distractions. You want to ensure they
can hear you clearly and without any background noises. Also, the backdrop of your seating area should be appropriate. A home office is ideal but if that is not possible just make sure you have a clean area behind you. In other words, do not conduct the interview sitting on your bed with your pillows and headboard in the background!

Prepare thoroughly for your interview and don’t have notes and papers around you in the desk
that you need to refer to find answers to questions that may be asked. The interviewer may not be able to see these papers, but they can certainly hear the shuffling sounds. This also means knowing everything written in your resume.

Log in at least 5 minutes before your interview starts. Use this time to center your focus and
take a few deep breaths. It is better to be early to the interview than late!

Making eye contact with the camera is important. You might be tempted to look at your reflection or look off to the side, but this eye diversion can be easily be picked up via the camera. So, as you would look at the person conducting an in-person interview, do the same by means of the camera.

During the interview be calm, have a proper posture and do your best. Don’t forget to send a
thank you email a few hours after the interview.

I would suggest that you practice mock online interviews while following the steps above with your
friends and or relatives. Practicing will help you be more prepared for a successful Online Interview but
don’t make your answers seem rehearsed on the day of the interview. Just be yourself.

The post How to Prepare for an Online Interview appeared first on CareerPro Resumes.




5 Common Mistakes People Make On Their Resume

Your resume is going to be your first impression to the employer, don’t blow it!

Employers have stacks of resumes to peruse and only those that stand out will make the cut. Don’t let yours end up in the trash; Avoid these common mistakes that people make.resume

Not having a cover letter

Think of your cover letter as a way of letting your personality shine through amongst all the work history jargon. A well-written cover letter can encourage the reader to learn more about you and offer them a sneak peek into who you are as a person; resumes alone won’t do that.  Many employers still view cover letters as a professional way of sending a resume.

Grammatical errors and typos

Nothing will turn off an employer more than seeing misspelled words or poor grammar. The thought is that these errors show poor attention to detail and a lack of professionalism or commitment. If you are truly interested in landing a job, you need to take your resume seriously and that includes making sure it’s perfect. If you have to hire a professional to make that happen, do it!

Poor layout, design and format

Most employers will only view your resume at-a-glance the first time around. Show them what they need to see, in a clean and attractive way. Put pertinent information near the center of the page and don’t make it too wordy they can’t find what they’re looking for. Avoid online templates and builders; so many people are using them and they stick out like a sore thumb. Again, this is the time to make an impression and you can do that easily with a unique, sleek and professional layout.

Repetitive information

Often people use the same wording throughout their resume which results in unnecessary repetition. Instead of repeating words and phrases, use a thesaurus to expand your vocabulary and find alternative words that convey what you want to say.

Enhance your resumes successes by using keywords throughout your resume that directly relate to the position you are applying for; it’s a great strategy for jobseekers. It shows you have the exact experience they are looking for and if the company is using software to detect and select candidates, you’re covered.

Lies, Lies, Lies

Do NOT lie on your resume EVER. Hiring and recruiting managers spend time verifying this information and if it proves to be false you will be disqualified from the process. Later on, even if you’ve accepted an offer and have been hired, you can be terminated for falsifying your information. It’s always best to take the high road and show honesty and integrity on your resume and during the hiring process. If you’re lacking in one area, be open and upfront about it and demonstrate a willingness to learn with enthusiasm; passion can take you far in the interview process.

A resume alone will not get you the job but it CAN get you to the next step in the process. It’s the most important part of job-seeking; make sure you have a great one!

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Atlanta Resumes

Resume Writing

Your soft and hard skills both matter in your hiring process. Often times they matter more than your your previous professional experiences.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are what we often call people skills. These are much harder to define and evaluate. They can include:

  • communication skills
  • listening skills
  • empathy
  • teamwork
  • leadership
  • critical thinking
  • problem solving skills
  • work ethic
  • adaptability
  • interpersonal skills
  • positive attitude
  • good communication skills
  • time management
  • problem solving skills
  • self-confidence
  • ability to accept and learn from criticism.

They are useful across all industries and job types.

Hard Skills

Hard skills relate to the specific skills you’ve accumulated through your previous professional endeavors.They are job-specific, most employers are looking for similar soft skills in their job candidates.

Examples of hard skills include:

  • computer programming
  • web design
  • typing
  • accounting
  • finance
  • writing
  • mathematics
  • legal
  • …and other quantifiable skills that are included in the requirements for a job.

Hard skills are usually job-specific skills that are learned through education or training.

Often times separating them on your resume makes for easy scanning and is appreciated by the hiring executives.

Measurable Career Accomplishments

 resumes career changeWhen listing your career accomplishments, quantify the results of your actions as much as you can. Measurable career achievements beg for attention as opposed to a page full of words.

Resume Writing Services

Try and remember that your best resource is you. Do not wait for a vacancy. Put your name in front of the person in charge of hiring you, if they can. Your hard and soft skills are your skill stack that you bring to the table. Know how to communicate that.

When You Are Changing Careers

Look for industry related conferences, associations, that match your desired career path.

If you have a gap in your skill set. Volunteering looks great and it can take very little time, and can fill in a gap on your resume.

When you are changing careers, you have the difficult challenge of showing that you are qualified for your new career path, even though you may have little or no experience in your new career field. Therefore, you will want to emphasize skills you’ve gained that are transferable and applicable to your new career field.

The post Atlanta Resumes appeared first on CareerPro Resumes.




How to Respond When Asked for Your Salary History

Difficult Interview Question

It’s inevitable that at some point during your search you’ll be faced with the dilemma of sharing your salary history.

You can guarantee that every employment application will prompt you to disclose your previous income; over and over again. (With the exception of those states who’ve made it illegal)

The problem with sharing this information is two-fold; you could sell yourself short and not get the salary you deserve or end up out of the running entirely. Too little or too much and you’re doomed.

What’s the solution?

First, you should know that you aren’t obligated to share this information; instead be sure that when the time comes, you are prepared with a polite, positive and appropriate response.

Don’t bring up pay at all unless they do. Rarely is there a reason to discuss pay right away. A second interview or job offer is the perfect time to discuss the salary for the position.

I highly recommend sharing your salary target instead. Your target salary is the starting pay you’re looking to make upon hire. It’s extremely important that you are asking for an appropriate and fair range for the position you are seeking; if you are being unrealistic you’re just wasting everyone’s time.

If you’re filling out an application form, simply put the same target salary amount in each beginning and ending field for every position. As soon as you get the opportunity to manually type, add a note indicating you’re excited to learn more about the position and can discuss salary at a later date


Research and compare salaries for the industry and the company you are interested in working for.  Odds are they have a budget for the role and it’s unlikely they will exceed that. Save your time and energy by only applying at those places that can meet your salary and benefit needs.

When asked directly about salary history, share your target instead.  Use this example:  “I’m looking for a starting salary of $38,000-$42,000, is that in line with your budget?” This format not only tells them the real information they’re looking for (how much) but it diverts the question back to them and opens the door for a two-way conversation about pay.

As always when discussing pay you should be open and honest about your needs so the company can truly assess if it will be a good match for both of you.

Whether you’re seeking an entry level position or a role with a fortune 500 company, be confident and know your worth! Do not accept anything less.

Atlanta Resume Writing Services

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